Loading Direct Draw Surface (.dds) Files in Haskell

05 June 2019

Reading time ~1 minute

A short post for today.

I was on the verge of implementing my own DDS library in Haskell after numerous unfruitful searches. Alas, I came across a somewhat obscure portion of the friday library on Hackage and found out that DDS is a supported image type thanks to bindings to the underlying DevIL C library.

Here’s the relevant module for your convenience.

Some of you may be asking, why would one need to load DDS files in Haskell? Although OpenGL, and therefore non-DDS image formats, align more with the spirit of Haskell, it is still useful to load DDS for say, a texture extractor/parser/editor for some old game, or, in my case, Korean MMOs, where its use is still rampant to this day.