The Formula for Functors
02 June 2019
Reading time ~24 minutes
Bifunctor. Protofunctor - no, wait - or was it Profunctor? Contra-? Co-? …Variant? It can seem as though the Haskell community resides atop an ivory tower and drops some of the most confusing names for concepts and abstractions, down to the crowd of laymen at the bottom as some sort of indirect gesture of flexing their intelligence. I can assure you, however, that this is not the case, but a mere perception. My recent Google search shows that there still aren’t too many guides out there for laymen regarding anything more advanced than a regular Functor
, so I’ve taken it into my own hands to contribute a missing piece to the Haskell community.
In this article, we will cover the common types of functors encountered in the wild, and how their names are constructed. By the end of this article, I hope that you will have gained a better understanding of the differences between the different types of functors, and be able to make sense of their names.
First thing’s first: this guide assumes that you have a basic understanding of regular Functor
s; however, due the analogy that I am going to use for the rest of this post, I will briefly touch up on regular Functor
s to make sure we’re on the same page.
A Functor
simply defines fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
. The commonly used analogy for Functor
s is a “boxed” or “wrapped” value. While this analogy is valid, I find that it confuses people once they move on to more advanced functors; that is to say, this analogy completely breaks down when talking about Contravariant
, which we will cover later on.
Let me re-introduce the Functor
using a new analogy: a machine, with both an input and and output end, however only the output end is chainable to other function machines, while the input side can only insert inputs into the machine chain. You may be familiar with this analogy with regards to regular functions, however due to the restriction I placed on the insertion end, it is a bit less flexible than a regular function.
To quickly recap: 1. A function
is a machine that can take an input and produce an output, and is freely chainable on both ends. We will refer to functions as function machines in the context of our analogy. 2. A Functor
is a machine that can take an input and produce an output, but only the output end is chainable to function machines, while the input end can only insert input values into it. We will explicitly refer to Functors
as functor machines in our analogy.
, then, defines a new functor machine by attaching a function machine to the output side of our original functor machine, creating a new functor machine comprised of our two original machines chained together. That’s right. We don’t think of the machines individually once we chain them; we think of the machine as one unit.
Simple enough, right?
An Aside: The Mythical Cofunctor
Cofunctors seem to confuse newcomers to Haskell to no end.
It’s just a joke in the community.
There’s your politically incorrect answer.
But briefly, co-
anything refers to the dual or “inverse” of that thing. Generally this means flipping the function arrows.
Given fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)
(with explicit parentheses to emphasize currying), the dual of that would be cofmap :: (a <- b) -> (f a <- f b)
, or, after flipping the arrows back around to fit regular Haskell notation, cofmap :: (b -> a) -> f b -> f a
. It’s not rocket science. It’s exactly the same thing minus different type variable names.
TL;DR: Cofunctor
s are just Functor
There exists an acme-cofunctor
library on Hackage which further exacerbates the confusion. It’s a satirical library; I mean for god’s sake, it’s prefixed with acme
for crying out loud. There are other satirical libraries out there, so watch out.
The next logical step in the functor complexity hierarchy are n-Functors. What’s an n-Functor? You already know one! Functor
is just a 1-Functor; but on a more serious note, you may have heard of Bifunctor
. This is another example of an n-Functor. Besides Bifunctor
s, there exists an infinite number of possible n-Functors. “Bi” simply means “two”, as you all know. Trifunctors, Quadfunctors, Pentafunctors, etc., all theoretically exist; it’s just that we don’t encounter them in day-to-day programming, just like how the most common sort of tuple we use is the pair (_, _)
, not the 3-tuple, 4-tuple, or whatever. Besides, once we can define pairs of something, we can infinitely nest pairs inside one another in order to define arbitrarily “long” (and deep) tuples.
To prove my point, here’s a definition of a Trifunctor encountered in the wild. The function signature for trimap
is trivial once you understand Bifunctor
and bimap
So let’s focus on Bifunctor
s, as they are the most common type of n-Functor you will encounter. Once you understand Bifunctor
s, every other n-Functor will make sense to you.
A Bifunctor
in our analogy can be thought of as a modified functor machine, except that it has two parallel pairs of input and output sides, which we refer to as the “left” side and the “right” side. The rule which governs functor machines still apply to each side: only the output ends are chainable with regular function machines and the input ends can only accept raw input. We will call this new machine the bifunctor machine.
The definition of Bifunctor
consists of:
, which chains a function machine to the left output of the bifunctor machine.second
, which chains a function machine to the right output of the bifunctor machine.bimap
, which takes two functions and chains the first one to the left output of the bifunctor machine, and chains the right one to the right output of the bifunctor machine.
That’s it. Someone just took two functor machines and wrapped them in a new casing to make it seem like one machine with 2 input ends and 2 output ends. Each side can be thought of as a regular functor. Hell, regular Functor
s that accept pairs and output pairs are functionally the same as a Bifunctor
, but a Bifunctor
abstraction allows for slightly less messy syntax than a Functor
on pairs. Take for instance, chaining a function machine to a functor machine operating on pairs. Mapping one side would look somewhat ridiculous, like fmap (\(leftOutput, rightOutput) -> (calculateSomething leftOutput, rightOutput))
, which can be reduced to just fmap (calculateSomething *** id)
by utilizing the Arrow
instance of regular functions (->)
As you can imagine, Trifunctors, Quadfunctors, Pentafunctors, would just be 3, 4, 5 regular Functor
s “wrapped” in a new casing, and so on. Again, not rocket science. A Trifunctor, for instance, might define 1map
and trimap
Contravariant Functors
Going back to 1-Functors (Functor
), there is a sort of “counterpart” to it named Contravariant
, which is just short for “contravariant functor”. This functor is probably the most confusing one out of them all for beginners, since the type signature can make one’s head implode if they are used to the analogy of a “box” or “wrapped value”.
Let’s forget about the “box” or “wrapper” analogy for a second and redefine a Contravariant
using our analogy of machines. A Contravariant
functor is one with an input side that can be chained to regular function machines, while the output side can only output a predefined result. This is sort of a reversal of the rule that governs Functor
The Contravariant
counterpart to fmap
is contramap
. While fmap
maps the output of a functor to something different, contramap
maps the input of the functor to something else.
You’re probably still confused at this point. Let’s take a look at the signature for contramap
contramap :: (b -> a) -> f a -> f b
I sympathize with you if this type signature makes no sense. Several questions may be running through your head as you examine this type signature, including:
- How can we get a wrapped ‘b’ (
f b
) if we need ab
in the first place to get ana
? - If we get an
via our function, then why do we need to pass in a wrapped a (f a
)? - How does
f a
even get used when our function requires ab
which can only be obtained via the output of the function?
This is why the analogy of a boxed or wrapped value fails miserably. Forgot about that analogy. Think in terms of machines. The type parameter of regular Functors
(i.e. the a
in f a
) represents the output type of the functor. For Contravariant
functors, the type parameter represents the input type of the functor.
In the signature for contramap
, the functor f a
represents our original contravariant functor, constructed via some means (that may not necessarily be via contramapping other Contravariants
). (b -> a)
is a function that transforms b into the input of our original contravariant functor. Given these, contramap
produces a new contravariant functor that accepts an input b
and internally transforms that b
into an a
and calls the original functor f a
using that a
. Make sense now? If not, here’s an illustration that may help.

And so we’ve arrived at the infamous Profunctor
. The primary obstacle in understanding a Profunctor
is understanding Contravariant
, and if my explanation of Contravariant
has clicked in your head, this should be easy.
A Profunctor
is a machine with both the input and output ends chainable with regular function machines. It is a functor with no restrictions on either end, and can be both fmapped
and contramapped
takes two type arguments instead of the usual single argument found in Functor
and Contravariant
. The left type argument represents the input while the right type argument represents the output. That said, the definition of Profunctor
consists of:
, which maps over the left type argument (input) of the functor, making it the equivalent ofcontramap
, which maps over the right type argument (output) of the functor, making it the equivalent offmap
, which takes 2 functions, the first (left) one is applied tolmap
, while the second (right) one is applied tormap
Flipping Things Around: Orpvariant Functors
Some of you may encounter the “orpvariant functor” on Hackage. Nobody actually uses this functor, practically speaking. “Orp” is simply the reverse of “Pro”, and is not a formal Greek prefix like the ones found in the names of other functors. True to its name, it is simply a Profunctor
with the type arguments switched around. Orpvariant a b
is the same as Profunctor b a
The library that defines Orpvariant
only has one instance definition for Orpvariant: the reverse function arrow (<--
), called Opposite
. Naturally if a type represents a reverse function, where the first type argument represents the output and the second type argument represents the input, then instances of multiparameter typeclasses such as Profunctor
need to have their type arguments reversed. As such, Orpvariant
was invented for purposes specific to the library, but can be useful if you also need to define a Profunctor
instance for something that has its “input” and “output” type arguments flipped, similar to Opposite
defines orpmap
which is simply dimap
with its function arguments flipped.
The Formula for Functors
In this article, we have examined several common types of functors in order of complexity. I hereby present the formula for functor name construction:
…Where n
represents the the number of input/output pairs, which can be omitted if n = 1, and P represents the type of functor (a type of functor must have some sort of rule that governs each pair in the context of our analogy), which can be omitted if P is covariant.
- For
, n = 1 (Mono), and P is covariant. - For
, n = 2 (Bi), and P is covariant. - For
, n = 1 (Mono), and P is contravariant. - For
, n = 1 (Mono), and P is provariant (yes, that’s what pro- stands for).
It follows that Biprofunctors, Tricontravariants, Bicontravariants, Pentafunctors, etc., all exist; though in reality, we have no need for such complexity most of the time.
I hope that this article has revealed the rhyme and reason behind functors commonly encountered in the wild. I did not cover Strong
nor Costrong
as I believe they are out of scope (in the sense that they are types of profunctors instead of types of functors directly, if that makes sense). In the future I will cover generalized functors such as Star
, Costar
, Yoneda
, and Coyoneda
, as well as abstractions built on top of Profunctor
, such as Strong
and Costrong
, as well as their generalizations Tambara
and Pastro
If you have any comments or are still confused, leave a comment down below! If you believe that this is still confusing and that images would greatly aid in your understanding, leave a request down below and I’ll consider adding some illustrations to this article.